Just on a brain vacation. In the meanwhile...feast your eyes on Conan's weird opening title graphics.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Childrens' Hospital Renewed for Season 4

Adult Swim has renewed the Childrens' Hospital for a fourth season. Not a surprise since it's an insanely good show that has killed in the ratings, bringing in viewers within television's sweet spot - 18-49 year olds (and people of other age groups and sizes) who crave good comedy. Production will begin later this year, and the show will air in 2012, sending creator and star Rob Corddry, plus executive producers Jonathan Stern and David Wain back to work with their cast of regulars.
"I'm very pleased and honored by this announcement," said Corddry. "I'm also very surprised, given that I write this when I'm very, very drunk. Season four promises to be a cry for help."
"And people wonder why our economy is a mess," said Stern.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Del Close Marathon 13: "If You Didn't Make it to NYC, You Fucked Up"
DCM #13 Day 1
Del Close Marathon 13 - Day One | UCBcomedy.com |
Watch more comedy videos from the twisted minds of the UCB Theatre at UCBcomedy.com |
Upright Citizens Brigade: Del Close Marathon Weekend

Regarding UCB business, the topic of UCB East was broached. As you may remember from last year and various articles about the place, a new branch of the comedy theatre was (and is) due to open in Alphabet City on the Lower East Side earlier this year. Despite NYC building bureaucracy, and a pesky neighbor unhappy with the "Hot Chicks Room" signage outside, the UCB East (or UCBeast) is all decked out and ready for it's grand opening. Doors will open in early September and will be dedicated to stand up comedy - not strippers - as one vocal neighbor with her speed dial on 311 with complaints about it looking like a bordello proclaimed.
Also on the agenda was talk of a UCB book that will draw out improv techniques taught within the UCB training centers. Since the manuscript has been passed on to all instructors for input, it's been delayed. In addition, the UCB team has been trying to devise a chart to include in the book that breaks down the concept of "Yes, And...", which is the main component within the Harold "game" structure. Thanks to an artist in audience, who was kit out with markers and pens drawing the conference (like a court artist), Ian tried to draw the chart that deconstructs the "Yes, And..." vision, but he proved it difficult to harness on the printed page. With those factors swimming around, a UCB handbook might take some time to publish.
Of course, the man of the weekend, Del Close, was discussed. His difficult nature, his iconoclastic vision of comedy, and his own issues regarding contemporaries like Elaine May and Mike Nichols who moved onto the stratosphere of comedy success, while he stayed on the sidelines, was touched upon. Perhaps Del's own legacy was to bestow a method of "game" that would create the building blocks of organic, smart comedy as we know it today. With the theatre filled with UCB students and young performers from all the country, his resonance is perpetuated by Besser, Roberts, Poehler and Walsh, to the point where Del Close is more of a household name than May and Nichols to this new generation of funny people.
And speaking of new generation. Sadly, it feels like the original wave of UCB students who've grown through the years on the UCBNYC stage have moved on. The Los Angeles transplants were unable to make it due to production commitments. It's bittersweet. On one hand, it can feel as though they are turning their back to the past. On the other, it's like the seniors - the Scheers, Huebels, Poehler, Helms and the rest - have moved on to great careers, giving hope to the freshman with visions of pilot season and development deals in their heads. Still. It's a bummer they can't make it anymore.
Yet, the new class is moving up. Doppleganger - a lady threesome (Nicole Byer, Keisha Zollar and Sasheer Zamata) hit the stage after the conference. Comedy transcends race and gender, and in a world where Improv is dominated by white hipster dudes and chicks, Doppleganger's line up of three African American ladies was a refreshing force with a passionate flair. Using Harold techniques to transition from one funny, unique scene after the other, they are playful, hilarious, and heighten moments like crazy. They are a must see at UCBNYC or at various NYC venues on any given night. Doppleganger is proof that there are more fresh new faces on the rise, and talent with so much to offer. (And funny ladies rule!)
More to come on DCM #13.
More to read on UCB and Del Close Marathons of the past:
Hot Chicks Room to Warm Chicks
Del Close Marathon 2009
Del Close Marathon 2010
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Childrens' Hospital: Chief's Mole Watch

Let's review. A few weeks ago, a mole was found hovering on top of Chief's face in the forehead region. Then the jaunty little brown speck was found living on her left cheek. Now it exists on the right.
This is dumb. Yet, so very important.
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Much like Childrens Hospital, which is a send up of medical dramas like Grey's Anatomy, Adult Swim has taken an idea by comedian Paul Scheer and given the cop drama it's own hilarious punch in the gut. NTSF: SD: SUV originally aired as a spoof trailer after Childrens' last season, and was picked up by the network for full 15 minute episodes. It's currently in it's third week of broadcast, and has proven to be a pitch perfect procedural satire. Alongside Scheer as Trent, is June Raphael as Piper, Rebecca Romjin as the brainiac Jesse, whom everyone thinks is ugly but it gorgeous, Kate Mulligrew as Trent's ex-wife and commander Kove, Brandon Johnson as Alphonse (a UCB favorite of mine, who is incredibly funny and needs to be famous now), and Party Down's Martin Starr as Sam. There's a robot. There's sex. There's histrionics. And David Caruso's spirit lingers in the details.
NTSF:SD:SUV airs right after Childrens Hospital at 12:15am on Thursday nights. Watch it, and prepare your mind before it gets blown away.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Spot the Mole
As Childrens' Hospital builds into a popular fringe comedy, gags are developing into fun, must see moments. Whether it's Cat's desire to perfect the perfect impersonation of a Puerto Rican woman, Michael Cera as the voice over the PA, or Nurse Dori walking around thinking she's really fat when she's really 8 months pregnant, this show fits in little "easter eggs" of fun filled details that only idiots like me notice.
Megan Mullally, who plays Chief, began the series during its webisode days as the lovely looking handicapped head of Childrens' ER. The day that Mullally found a man's wig in a shop on Hollywood Boulevard was the day Chief would evolve from lovely Mullally-like beauty, into an attractive short haired bridge troll.
Now, through the magic of show biz makeup, Chief has a new friend. A mole. It started on her forehead a few weeks ago....
...and it has now traveled to her cheek....
Where will it travel next? Will it evolve into a mustache? A goatee? Or will it find it's mojo, get bigger, catch charisma and have it's own TV show?
Megan Mullally, who plays Chief, began the series during its webisode days as the lovely looking handicapped head of Childrens' ER. The day that Mullally found a man's wig in a shop on Hollywood Boulevard was the day Chief would evolve from lovely Mullally-like beauty, into an attractive short haired bridge troll.
Now, through the magic of show biz makeup, Chief has a new friend. A mole. It started on her forehead a few weeks ago....

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