Friday, March 23, 2012

"Live from the Apollo, it's...'Lemonem'

30 Rock had some hilarious moments last night in its twilight double header of comedy with two episodes of hilarious guest starring fun. One episode boasted a Baldwin-fest, as Alec's brother Billy joined in as an actor cast to play Jack Donaghy in the made-for-TV movie biopic Kidnapped by Danger: The Avery Jessup Story, a dramatization of his wife Avery's abduction by the North Korean government. But the first episode featured a celebration of parody as Tracy and Jenna raced to create a song so bizarre even Weird Al Yankovic couldn't parody it. Two fun episodes for the price of some loud laughs. Let's go over two highlights for last night's first episode.

Liz Lemon once competed on Live From the Apollo. This is "Lemonem" just before the audience threw her in the river.

Watch the weird and wonderful (and incredibly nice) Al Yankovic sing a parody of the 30 Rock theme.

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