Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mad Men Season 4 Finale Tonight

Season four of Mad Men is coming to a close tonight. What a topsy turvy season it's been. Don Draper struggled to rise from the ashes of disappointment in career, personal life, morality and mortality. Roger Sterling woke up to the reality that his suave, smooth, boozy devil-may-care attitude on life ran its course somewhere in 1960. Betty Draper found a decent man in Henry Francis, but she's still the Westchester housewife with a brood of children cramping her style. Peggy Olsen is blossoming as a strong, open minded woman of her generation, not only struggling to break down barriers in the boys club, but managing to fall in love, have lots of beach bunny sex and enjoy the revolution ahead of her. It was a heady feast of character growth and toil, satisfying with every episode.

As all fans of Mad Men know, Executive Producer Matthew Weiner puts on a pretty damn incredible and unforgettable finale. Although this season flew by in a flurry of fantastic storyline and performance, tonight's show will have high expectations on my part. I'm sure it won't disappoint.

Mad Men
season finale tonight on AMC. (10pm ET/7pm PT)

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