Monday, April 20, 2009

Mad Men: Season Three Begins Production in May

Ahh, cable in the springtime. As the floundering networks close production on their non-hit wonders, and as one of my faves The Office wrapped up season five filming last week, the Larks of Twitter and bloggers of television have chirped of new things ahead. Summer need not be a television wasteland of repeats and reality show doldrums. Oh no! For the word is out that as prime time talent gear up for summer vacation film promos and projects, Matthew Weiner and his fantastically sexy team at Mad Men will be in full swing. The word is, production on the 60's retro drama begins in May, with episodes to commence on AMC in August.

Oh well, so we'll have to wait until the end of the best season of the year to see the Draper's new baby and Betty's potential nervous breakdown, not to mention the aftermath of Peggy's revelation to Pete that she was pregnant, the baby was his and she gave it away. Still, it will be nice to know the Mad Men crew will be knotting up their skinny ties and combing in the Brill cream, tightening up the girdles and bullet bras, teasing up that hair with a dab of Dippity Do. It will be a season of spoilers and speculation with a nice end of summer payoff. And it's good to know that after worries of Matt Weiner's contract delay, which could have set the show on a different course, Mad Men will be back in business. I'll drink to that!

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